Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Little Things

The little things in life are really the things that matter the most. Have you thought about the things that make your day or put a smile on your neighbors face? It is the hug you give them, the smile you send their way, or asking them how their day is, and when you do this it is a chain reaction and soon everyone will be touched by it.
The little things are what we can't live without, When i look outside and see a flower that has just come out in full bloom, and its colors bright as ever I think about just how awesome our God is and all of the little details he puts in all of his creations. When you look at a child playing in the park and remember the freedom we are given at that age, or when you write a not to one of your friends just telling them how awesome they are and having that make their day, these are the little things that I am talking about.
We often forget about these little things, and really they are the things that we should be focusing on. I erg you today to stop and recognize the little things!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What you need to know about me

Hey, I'm Sarah. I am fourteen years old and I was born in Wharton, Texas. I am the youngest in my family and enjoy it very much so. I have one awesome brother who is seventeen years old and of course we fight sometimes but he is pretty amazing! I love to spend time with my friends and family, because they are loving and God-fearing people. My dad is a Pastor at First Baptist Church Kyle, Texas, everyone asks me if I like being a Pastors daughter and the truth is that I don't know anything different so of course I like it! I am totally in love with my God and can't wait to see what he is going to do with my life!